Teaching Assistance

Tuesday, 7th August 2018

Good Evening 
How are you ? I hope you're dong fine !
Welcome back to my journey SEA TEACHER BATCH 6

In the previous post, I have shared about the classroom observations. In this second week, I will be sharing about teaching assistance experienced. Teaching assistance is more of a act  / play out a role as an assistant teacher to help teacher's when the lessons are conducted. For this part  I followed teacher Foo's classes and teacher Kwa's classes for this teaching assistance. I get many opportunities to become teaching assistants so, that make my teaching hours fulfilled. Helping students to solve problems, guiding those who don't understand and alongside the teachers that are conducting the lesson.

Teaching assistant has given me an incredible and the most unforgettable moment / experienced, where i am able to stepped out of my comport zone, be it as a teacher assistant or taking the class, teaching the students in Satit Bangna School was definitely a whole new thing, the language, the tradition, the class manner. Through this, i gained so much knowledge that can be used outside of class or in class.

To me, teaching assistants is very useful in many areas as a teacher because with that, we get to bond with the students, getting to know each and everyone of them better, helping them in academic & non - academic  socially or even giving them feedbacks on their weakness in their subjects and guide them along the way. Which brings this up, being comfortable with the students and vice - versa. It is an important key. To help, it needs a lot of courage and time for the students to be open to the teachers, we don't pressure them but being able to take the chance to approach them and guide them is something we can do.

At that time, teacher Foo was explaining on the lesson that he is going to teach. we were given a task to do, which was to help the students to solve question. To not be tense or stress up the students during Math lessons. Teachers made it enjoyable and fun for them to learn and to ease their mind, we said math lessons are not difficult to what we think. Difficulty comes after when students think it's tough to do fast calculation (especially for mathematics). As a teacher assistant, i have to be able to spontaneously answer question.

One thing that is very unfortunate is that the teachers here in Thailand is not using technology properly. They dislikes using technology. There are many things that we can use so that the lesson will not get drained and boring. During class observation and teaching assistant, the teacher in Satit Bangna School never use technology not only this math teacher also happens to other teachers. So I thought on my chance that I would use technology.

So it can be concluded from the picture above the Teacher Kwa method is better than Teacher Foo. Because teacher Kwa has a lot of creativity that she can develop in the classroom.

Well see you on the next blog guys ~


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